Monday, 31 October 2011

Enterprise-10 Steps to a Future You

- Lawrence Cholberg
- Karl Hopkins 


Circle of influence, proactivity.

three environments in you life.. the internal environment, micro environment, macro environment. 

Internal- your skills your resources your lifestyle.
micro- your network, your competitors, your suppliers etc. 
macro- world market condition, economy etc.

micro is what needs to be altered fro success. 


develop a vision of your future 
create a principle- centred personal mission statement 
extend the mission into a long term goal. 

business vision
business plan
life plan
(priority factors) 

"life is what happens when you making other plans"


Think-who you are talking to 
Create-clear messages 
Inspire-people with your creativity 

4. Prioritise 

put things first 
keep a proper balance
stick to your personal mission

study, social life, money, rest, time.. prioritising equals results. 

5. Presents 

seek outcomes and relationships that are mutually beneficial 
do a favour to gain a favour 

Karl Hopkins-networking events-coffe choco

Kohlbergs theory- pre conventional- conventional- post conventional 

pre conventional- dependant
conventional- independent 
post conventional- inter dependant 


pause to listen- give all your attention give yourself to the moment 
empathise- walk in someones shoes
dont re iterate or interpret-just listen 
do you really know how they feel or are you just saying how you feel?

see first to understand; then be understood 
learn from your differences 




synergy multiplies your talent 
work with other experts outside your field to achieve greatness
-james dyson- Antony Gormley etc.

hollywood modle 
Avatar- all freelance business that come togeather for a short period of time. Collaboration. 



extinguish your fears
exude confidence 
instil faith 

Tutorial Feedback

This is the feedback from my progress tutorial.  

Crit Feedback and Rationals - What is Good.

Directly below is the original concept statement, looking at target audience, why my good is good, and the products range and context of my good. I have initial found nailing down a target audience difficult, as well as a finalised idea, however by the second revised statement i am content with the outcome for each of the required fields, and i think my good will allow me to explore a wide range of products and well as influencing a selected group or audience. 

The two sheets below are part of a concept crit, in which peers gave me advice on how to imporve my concept, in terms of discussing different ways i could get the message across, and the theory behind the concept itself. 

The crit was useful, especially in giving me alternative ideas to get my message out there. I will continue to develop ideas from this crit.