Thursday, 29 December 2011


The 4 Ps are a well documented set of tools frequently referred to as the marketing mix. They are used to provide a starting point and basic analysis to both established and new start-up businesses.
The 4 Ps stand for PriceProduct, Place and Promotion although some of these words are frequently replaced in practice with descriptions more relevant to their particular functions.


The price at which a product or service is sold still remains one the crucial influencers in the decision on whether to buy. Pricing goods at a significant premium to those of competitor’s products with no other obvious differences or features is unlikely to result is increased sales rewards.


Product covers both the usefulness and demand for an item in general and also any specific features and benefits which accompany a business’s individual offerings.
Both real and perceived benefits of the product or service are counted in this category, hence a strong brand name might result in an unfounded belief that that business provides better quality products for the consumer’s money.


The point of distribution, where customers can acquire the goods and services of the business is an important part of successful marketing. Once the decision to buy exists the enterprise must ensure that its offerings can be acquired both in the appropriate time and at an amenable outlet.
The location of "place" has changed significantly in recent years with the advent of the internet and online shopping. Placecan now often mean home delivery following a purchase initiated through a computer browser.


Promotion focuses on using the available marketing and specifically advertising budget in a useful way possible. An analysis of where and how to promote a product or service should enable the manager to conclude on the form, duration, media type, message and other salient aspects of the marketing campaig

A List Of Possible Industries That Use Graphic Design. 

  • Health(NHS)
  • Charities 
  • Tourism 
  • Publishing/Editorial
  • Music 
  • Retail
  • Fashion 
  • Education
  • Leisure 
  • Cosmetic
  • property
  • Banking

The client group that I have particular interest in working in is based around branding and identity, the idea of creating a brand from scratch or altering the public perception of a brand is what attracts me to this area of graphic design, as well as being able to positively alter the companies sales through my work, allows you to see a direct effect of my personal design work. Perhaps the area that I would most like to focus on is the sports industry.
The sports industry requires a diverse range of skills, from publishing layout to logo design, as well as being competent working for design for screen, for example viral videos and adverts. Sport is considered a global language, especially in the case of football, and it is this that also attract me to this particular industry. The fact that my work for a brand could break down language barriers due to universality of sport and as result the brand itself. Nike would be a prime example of this.
            Specific skills required for being successful in the sports industry included having a keen eye for the layout of type with in publications as well as having the strong concept bases to make the brand you are working on stand out, in an industry with is perhaps over populated. Design for screen for example web sites, are also crucial for a companies success, and it is this that I think I need to develop to become successful in this specific field, although the layout skills I have already obtained will help me greatly with this. Being aware of cultural and social changes are also important for this industry as often the industry sets trends and it is this that also attracts me to it, designing the face of a industry that sets trends.
            Setting up my own branding and identity company is a professional aim of mine. This company would have a USP of focusing in on the sporting industry. Like explained earlier, this would require me to have a large skill set, my skills would have to include layout and design for print and screen (websites, Promotional Books) as well having the strong concepts to make the client stand out from a competitive market. As a company I would like it to be small and personal, as this would allow a positive client relationship, and improve design practice with a constant dialogue with the client. The price of the work produced for these clients would be set at hourly rates, and would be representative of my own company’s identity, that of quality and an affordable price. This quality would come in final resolution with the general aim of increasing client’s profit margins through my design. 

Tuesday, 22 November 2011


1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Through out the module I have learnt a great deal, I have a much greater understanding of the print processes along with an appreciation for how greatly my design can be effect by print choices. As well as my layout skills that I developed greatly when working on the publication I did for this project.

2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

In this project I have been much more concise with my decision making, which has allowed me to spend more time on final outcomes. I also was able to explore print in terms of stock checks etc, this will help in the future and something that I will continue to develop. I have also allowed the primary research to effect my final outcome a lot more in this project which is something that is important in greeting effective final outcomes.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

The strengths I have found in my work this module is my ability to create a strong layout, something that I enjoy doing, I will continue to develop this skill along with my weaknesses. Another strength is that I feel my research was very strong and effective my final outcome greatly, having a wide knowledge of your chosen subject is important, and I will continue to do this in the future.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

With in my work this module I feel there wasn’t not a wide enough range of products, I think I spent to long working on the layout of the publication and forgot about the range of products. I need to manage my time better to get a wide range of final outcomes. I also believe that my work could be starting to get a little narrow in terms style and colour pallets I think in the next project I defiantly need to use colour in a more vibrant manner.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
1.Time Management
Time management is crucial when designing, this project I found myself rushed at the end, as a result it resulted in a small range of products, this will need to be addresses in the future, so I can develop design further.

Be much more consistent with the blogging, this will allow me to spend more time on the project instead of catching up with blogging. As a result work will improve.

 3. Use a wide ranger range of print processes, even though this is the print module I felt as if I was reluctant to try new things, such as foiling, this needs to be addresses in the future.

This although good at the start needs to continue through out the project, so you can get a deeper understanding of the subject, I think this can only influence your design in a positive way.

5. Improve design context, I think having relevant design context in a project can give you a wider range of options when you get to your final designs, in terms of your own personal designs.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’) 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor









Quantity of work produced


Quality of work produced


Contribution to the group


The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Peer Feedback- 9th nov

For this crit we were asked to simply lay out our work and fellow student will crit it focusing specifically on research range, idea generation and the purposed range of products etc. 

The feed back is shown below. 

I found the first set of feedback a little vague i don't feel as if the people criting my worked looked through the entire body of it.. however this may also be down to me and needed to take make my concept more obvious on my designs, as a result i will look into this, and how i can make this more obvious as after all i need to be encouraging people to get behind the course. 

This was more useful, and i like the idea about going into a collaboration with a stereotypically british company or event when design, i think this would look strong and add legitimacy to my project. this is something that i will defiantly continue to look into. 

Progress tutorial

This tutorial was based around discussing our potential concepts for print, we came up with a range of print solutions to discuss through. 

This tutorial helped me to define my ideas more effectively in terms of the print process. This had enabled me to re define what i need to design. deciding on sets of posters, mail shots, as well as formal publications. I will also be looking at a potential collaboration with stereotypically British companies, to push forward the idea behind the red phone box and the identity it gives the united kingdom.  

Monday, 31 October 2011

Enterprise-10 Steps to a Future You

- Lawrence Cholberg
- Karl Hopkins 


Circle of influence, proactivity.

three environments in you life.. the internal environment, micro environment, macro environment. 

Internal- your skills your resources your lifestyle.
micro- your network, your competitors, your suppliers etc. 
macro- world market condition, economy etc.

micro is what needs to be altered fro success. 


develop a vision of your future 
create a principle- centred personal mission statement 
extend the mission into a long term goal. 

business vision
business plan
life plan
(priority factors) 

"life is what happens when you making other plans"


Think-who you are talking to 
Create-clear messages 
Inspire-people with your creativity 

4. Prioritise 

put things first 
keep a proper balance
stick to your personal mission

study, social life, money, rest, time.. prioritising equals results. 

5. Presents 

seek outcomes and relationships that are mutually beneficial 
do a favour to gain a favour 

Karl Hopkins-networking events-coffe choco

Kohlbergs theory- pre conventional- conventional- post conventional 

pre conventional- dependant
conventional- independent 
post conventional- inter dependant 


pause to listen- give all your attention give yourself to the moment 
empathise- walk in someones shoes
dont re iterate or interpret-just listen 
do you really know how they feel or are you just saying how you feel?

see first to understand; then be understood 
learn from your differences 




synergy multiplies your talent 
work with other experts outside your field to achieve greatness
-james dyson- Antony Gormley etc.

hollywood modle 
Avatar- all freelance business that come togeather for a short period of time. Collaboration. 



extinguish your fears
exude confidence 
instil faith 

Tutorial Feedback

This is the feedback from my progress tutorial.  

Crit Feedback and Rationals - What is Good.

Directly below is the original concept statement, looking at target audience, why my good is good, and the products range and context of my good. I have initial found nailing down a target audience difficult, as well as a finalised idea, however by the second revised statement i am content with the outcome for each of the required fields, and i think my good will allow me to explore a wide range of products and well as influencing a selected group or audience. 

The two sheets below are part of a concept crit, in which peers gave me advice on how to imporve my concept, in terms of discussing different ways i could get the message across, and the theory behind the concept itself. 

The crit was useful, especially in giving me alternative ideas to get my message out there. I will continue to develop ideas from this crit. 

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Ougd103- Evaluation

1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

I think I have developed a wide range of skills through out the module, from improved time management to getting to grips with in design and other programmes. My improved time management has enabled me to be more focused on producing a higher quality final outcome, which was an issue at last assessment I think this is obvious in the group and speaking from experience projects. My idea of layout has also improved, I am more aware of how to structure publications and have set the foundations to understanding layout at a higher level.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

The methods of research I have used have stayed consistent through out the year, I am stronger at obtaining primary research, and base a lot of my work and concepts in the primary research I obtain through questionnaires or surveys. For the majority of my projects I have a wide range of photographic evidence to support my theories. All my research allows me to prove or develop my concepts and these effect the direction all my projects go in. especially with the Facebook group project. I found the   research in this project the most interesting. 


3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

The strengths I see in my work really are based around the concepts, I think they way I approach a project is different to many people. This allows me to produce things differently, which I believe to strength. I think my software skills are beginning to develop, and I consider illustrator my strongest programme, especially with first hand vectoring.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

The main weaknesses in my work lie in producing the final pieces, I think I spend to much time non the processes which, leaves less time than most to consider things like stock, which is important in producing an aesthetically pleasing final outcome. Other weakness may included not being adventurous enough with colour, something I am coming increasingly aware of, and something that I will make sure to address next year.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

Improved time management- this will allow me to produce more mock ups of final outcomes, and as result improve the look of the final piece.

Be more aware of colour – I feel as if there is a lack of colour in my work, as a result I need to experiment more with colour, and begin look at colour theory to at least experiment with final outcomes/layouts.

Blogging- I need to become more consistent at blogging, at the moment I am leaving stuff to the end of projects or modules, this takes up a lot of time, when I have to catch up, time I could be spending on developing to project further, this will again improve my grade.

Smaller briefs – With smaller briefs I am liable to leave them to the end of the module, this obviously effects the quality of the work, I would like to spend more time on them, as result I need to do them when they are set.

Image- I think I need to be more adventurous with image in my work, at present I feel my work, is some what simplistic, which is what I like, however I need to be more adventurous, just so I can have more diversity in my work.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’) 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor









Quantity of work produced


Quality of work produced


Contribution to the group


The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.