Friday, 14 January 2011

What If-Self Evaluation.

What problem did you identify? 

Looking at directing people to and informing them of unseen urban areas of significance in Leeds.

What evidence did u find to support your decision?

The evidence we obtained was based around statistics from questionnaires, it really broadly proved that there is a need for alternative tourist attractions in leeds. Getting away from the stuffy standard of museums and art galleries. Get out and explore yourself. It is also apparent from looking around leeds that there are areas of street art and buildings of beauty that no one pays any attention of.

What methods did you use to gather your evidence and what forms did it take? 

Made use of a variety of research methods. Quantitative primary in the form of graphs of data that we collected from summarising  primary Qualitative questionnaires. And a large amount of secondary quantitative facts, statistics andqualitative opinions collected from the internet etc.

What methods did you fins useful and why?

I think the questionnaires as they were the vehicle for the statistics that proved the points that what we were doing was in need. and what direction we should take the project in.  For example the map created was due to the questionnaires. 

What methods did you encounter as problematic? 

It can be quite problematic collecting facts and locations about unknown areas of Leeds, as they are not well known, so are not widely publicised.

How did you overcome this?

we over came it really buy exploring the city an using the internet to find interesting unseen areas. There are however many more not included in our project. 

What research could you of carried out that would have been more useful?

perhaps further research could of included information provided by the city council, about the history of some of the buildings included. To create a great knowledge. 

Five things I've learnt about the design process.

-Letting research inform every decision within the process is a good way to work.
-opinions and qualitative research from peers etc, can often prove just as useful, if not more so than anything sourced from the internet.
-the various terms used to categorize methods of research.
-The internet is not the only source of research
-When working as a group it is very important to keep in contact in order to discuss decisions made and research collected to inform the outcomes.
Five things I'll do differently.    

-Try to work more effectively as a group, communicating with them more.
-Use my research as a tool for my projects development more effectively.
-Try to collate a larger amount of research and of different types to inform my projects.
-Try to use the internet less and look for alternative sources of research as they proved very useful this time round.
-Try to manage my time when in a group more effectively so as to fulfill the brief to the best of my abilities.

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