Tuesday, 28 September 2010

How To.. Rational/Self Evaluation


-Group Members
-The Problem
Getting lost.
-The Evidence.
New city, new students,new landmarks.
-We Intend to
We intend to create a personalised map, dependant on which halls you are in, for new students starting the leeds college of art and design. As well as the obvious places to include, we will also include infomation on the city, where the bars clubs etc, and nights on in those clubs, taxi numbers etc.

Self Evaluation

-What roles did i take on in the group?
my specific role with in the group was to come up with ideas, problem solving etc i also worked a lot on the design of the posters.

-How well do you think you preformed in the role.
i think as a whole i preformed pretty well in the role, obviously with only a week for the project, certain aspects that would change with the designs of the final outcome.

-How well do you think you worked as a group?
with in the group i think i was defiantly one of the more vocal ones, with out being over powering.

-What were the positives about working in the group?
bouncing ideas off each other.
being able to allocate work and get more done as a result.

-What were the negatives about working a group?
time management, can take to long to come up with decisive decisions.

What will i do differently next time?
time management, give deadlines within the group.

Where could you have improved your resolutions?
there are many ways to improve/develop with more time, but creating more options in design for the map, developing it further. and coming up with other ways of promoting the outcome.

What were the strengths of your presentation?
set out accurately and was communicated well.

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