Monday, 22 November 2010

End Of Module Evaluation

What skill have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

during the course of this module i have developed many skills, primarily perhaps, i have become much more aware of tone voice when trying to portray an appropriate message, in relation to the typeface used and layout. I think this was demonstrated most effectively on the last project of the module, the mail shot. As the tone of voice i was attempting to use was that of an informative nature. But persuading people to attend and event. The typeface i decided to use was high impact, and the important areas of the letter(where,when) were highlighted by use of colour. A use of colour is something that i have a higher degree of a preiciation for. Highlighting specific areas by the use of colour.
before this module started i also had no clue on how use illustrator, something now that i feel i can use at a basic level.

What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development processes?

Something that i have began to develop is my use of design sheets, on a bigger scale. Before my development was limited to sketch book work purely. the increase in size, has allowed me to track my development more effectively as my ideas develop. They have enabled me to pick more decisively the direction that i want to take with in a project.

What strengths can you identify in your work and how/will you capitalise on these?

The strength in my opinion, in my work lye in the development stage, i feel as if my ideas are strong, however when i have completed a projet i take a step back i feel there is so much morei could of done. this is most apparent in the french dinners ladies posters. As looking at propaganda let me to a good ides, however my technical abilities on photoshop ment that final outcome was not as strong as i would of hoped.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you adress them?

As explained earlier my weakness lye in showing what i want in a final outcome. i feel i am let down in my technical ability on photoshop etc? which means that i can not effectively portray my ideas, which i where i feel my strengths lye.

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from these things? more often, this will allow me to keep on top of work and more effectively manage my time.
2.Time management with in a project,  i feel as if i spend to much time on development and as a result rush my final piece, better time management will allow me to improve on my final outcome, which i my weakness at the moment.
3.have 100 percent attendane as this will also me to keep on top of work, and not miss anything important.
4. Public speaking need to e improved, need to learn to relax more, ans this will allow me to demonstrate my point more clearly.
5. illustrator skills, this will make my final pieces  better. as will feel competent.

1. attendance, 4
2. punctuality 4
3. motivation 3
4 quality off work produced 3
5.quantity of work produced 3
6.contribution to group 4.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

The Final Mail Shot And Evaluation

The evaluation  again is based around the crit.Which this time was not anonomus, however was in the same format. Looking at the final mail shot, it has become aparant that anyt further improvements should be based around translating the contents into to french. As during the project i thought it was more important for people to understand the  language used.


Monday, 8 November 2010

French Posters Final And Evaluation

The evaluation for this project was done, in the form of an annonamous crit, i liked this way of criting as it gave an honet response to the outcome. Does the poster communicate effectively the fact that i developed into posters?

From the feedback i recieved it is aparant that the fact was communicated well, althoug i believe some of the design of the posters should be revisted at a later stage, especially the type based one. As the size of the letters are to small.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Max Gregory typeface evaluation

-Which personality traits did you choose to respond to and apply the typeface?
i used max's musicality and his "northernness"
-The reasons Behind the design decisions you made for the typeface.?
musical notes and the lines representing the music paper represent the musicality in max's personality.
-In what way are the results effective?
the results are effective in the sense that the musical notes show musicality, as does the music paper design in the background. Helvetic bold, demonstrate my opinions on the the adjective northern, as well as the legibility of the typeface. Not demonstrating the whole letter but only what is needed to make it legible.
However i treated the typeface as 30 individual images instead of coming up with set rules for the typeface, as a result i will come up with set rules for further development.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Rational For Max Gregory Typeface.

Beif: what is the problem i intened to solve?
the proble i intented to solve is to design a type face, that is relavent for an indivuidual. in this case max gregory.
The Audience?
Max Gregory
What they need to know?
wheather the typeface is relavant to them.
Why do they need to know?
to answer the breif, and get an accurate reresentation of themselfs.
What will they respond to?
a cler visual typeface, that comunicated them, legiable.
What reserch is required?
find out who they are as a person..
Secondry, decision on sheets, trial and error..

Rational And Self Evaluation, Ten Letters In Sequence.


-What do i need to communicate?
i need to interpret damaged into a particular letter form and demonstrate in over a sequence.
-Why do they need to know?
they need to understand the idea behind the response.
-What will they respond to?
A sequence of 10 a6 letter forms, that accurately communicate damage.
-Where will they go?
They will be presented in a final crit, with people trying to demonstrate damage in a letter form also.

Self Evaluation

-What is Being communicated?
my initial final piece is meant to demonstrate the development of a windscreen cracking over a ten letter sequence.
-How well does this answer the final piece?
Then final piece simply does not answer the brief well enough, and is in the process of being re done to a better standard.
-How well has the idea been visually explored?
The visual exploration of the project was the strongest aspect, with many possibilities in design explored, however picking the wrong one was the result. development was done well.
-What are the strengths of the resolution?
the strengths of this project is in the research and development, creating a strong body of work. but the final piece lets it down. and wrong media was used.
How could it be improved?
re do final piece, new design and defiantly new choice of media.

*** the final piece has since been re done, and the outcome produced is much more effective in demonstrating damage to the letter form, and works over a sequence.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

How To.. Rational/Self Evaluation


-Group Members
-The Problem
Getting lost.
-The Evidence.
New city, new students,new landmarks.
-We Intend to
We intend to create a personalised map, dependant on which halls you are in, for new students starting the leeds college of art and design. As well as the obvious places to include, we will also include infomation on the city, where the bars clubs etc, and nights on in those clubs, taxi numbers etc.

Self Evaluation

-What roles did i take on in the group?
my specific role with in the group was to come up with ideas, problem solving etc i also worked a lot on the design of the posters.

-How well do you think you preformed in the role.
i think as a whole i preformed pretty well in the role, obviously with only a week for the project, certain aspects that would change with the designs of the final outcome.

-How well do you think you worked as a group?
with in the group i think i was defiantly one of the more vocal ones, with out being over powering.

-What were the positives about working in the group?
bouncing ideas off each other.
being able to allocate work and get more done as a result.

-What were the negatives about working a group?
time management, can take to long to come up with decisive decisions.

What will i do differently next time?
time management, give deadlines within the group.

Where could you have improved your resolutions?
there are many ways to improve/develop with more time, but creating more options in design for the map, developing it further. and coming up with other ways of promoting the outcome.

What were the strengths of your presentation?
set out accurately and was communicated well.

Monday, 27 September 2010

10 things to achieve

1.become competent on the design software.
2.improve time management.
3.have a good attendance level.
4.become better at public speaking
5.become better at evaluating my own work.
6.develop ideas to there full potential.
7.keep blog updated and interesting
8.get work into the public eye.
9.organise some summer work experience.
10.improve general computer skills.