Monday, 18 October 2010

Max Gregory typeface evaluation

-Which personality traits did you choose to respond to and apply the typeface?
i used max's musicality and his "northernness"
-The reasons Behind the design decisions you made for the typeface.?
musical notes and the lines representing the music paper represent the musicality in max's personality.
-In what way are the results effective?
the results are effective in the sense that the musical notes show musicality, as does the music paper design in the background. Helvetic bold, demonstrate my opinions on the the adjective northern, as well as the legibility of the typeface. Not demonstrating the whole letter but only what is needed to make it legible.
However i treated the typeface as 30 individual images instead of coming up with set rules for the typeface, as a result i will come up with set rules for further development.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Rational For Max Gregory Typeface.

Beif: what is the problem i intened to solve?
the proble i intented to solve is to design a type face, that is relavent for an indivuidual. in this case max gregory.
The Audience?
Max Gregory
What they need to know?
wheather the typeface is relavant to them.
Why do they need to know?
to answer the breif, and get an accurate reresentation of themselfs.
What will they respond to?
a cler visual typeface, that comunicated them, legiable.
What reserch is required?
find out who they are as a person..
Secondry, decision on sheets, trial and error..

Rational And Self Evaluation, Ten Letters In Sequence.


-What do i need to communicate?
i need to interpret damaged into a particular letter form and demonstrate in over a sequence.
-Why do they need to know?
they need to understand the idea behind the response.
-What will they respond to?
A sequence of 10 a6 letter forms, that accurately communicate damage.
-Where will they go?
They will be presented in a final crit, with people trying to demonstrate damage in a letter form also.

Self Evaluation

-What is Being communicated?
my initial final piece is meant to demonstrate the development of a windscreen cracking over a ten letter sequence.
-How well does this answer the final piece?
Then final piece simply does not answer the brief well enough, and is in the process of being re done to a better standard.
-How well has the idea been visually explored?
The visual exploration of the project was the strongest aspect, with many possibilities in design explored, however picking the wrong one was the result. development was done well.
-What are the strengths of the resolution?
the strengths of this project is in the research and development, creating a strong body of work. but the final piece lets it down. and wrong media was used.
How could it be improved?
re do final piece, new design and defiantly new choice of media.

*** the final piece has since been re done, and the outcome produced is much more effective in demonstrating damage to the letter form, and works over a sequence.